As private individuals, we all have a CPR number with personal information. The same applies to companies that have a CVR number, which contains company information. Specifically, CVR stands for Central Business Register and it is the state’s register for business information of all companies in Denmark with a CVR number. The Central Business Register contains, among other things, information about a company’s name, address, industry and size. A CVR number is unique and consists of 8 digits.

As a starting point, all companies in Denmark must have a CVR number, the only exception is if you have a turnover of less than DKK 50,000 per year. You must, among other things, use a CVR number for registration of VAT and other financial obligations such as taxes and fees. In the long run, a CVR number helps to identify the company in question when communicating with the outside world, e.g. tax and customers. When a company has a CVR number, the company is registered and understood as a legal entity.

A CVR number is also used for additional corporate aspects. For example, you must also use a CVR number to get a NemKonto for business and get a NemID employee signature. In addition, a CVR number is also used to view the company’s digital records. As a business owner, with a CVR number you can also enter into an agreement as a legal person and not a natural private person.

When you need to create a CVR number for your company, you must decide which type of company you want to choose before then. If you set up a sole proprietorship or a personally owned small business, i.e. a personally owned business, it is free to create a CVR number. If, on the other hand, you want to establish a company as a limited liability company or limited liability company, then it costs a fee to create a CVR number. Contact our coaches if you are in doubt about which form of business you want to choose.

The actual creation of a CVR number takes place at Here you can log in with your private NemID or a NemID employee signature and then start your business.

Although there is no obligation to have a CVR number if the turnover is below DKK 50,000 per year. Then it might still be an idea to have a CVR number. It may, for example, require a CVR number to set up payment systems, regardless of how much you trade for.

You can own many capital companies, but you can only own one sole proprietorship and thus have the one CVR number linked to the sole proprietorship. If you want to have more than one sole proprietorship, it must all run under the same CVR number, but can run as different activities under the relevant CVR number. The various activities can be given an SE number, which will function as a sub-number to the main number, CVR. In addition to the SE number, you can also get a P number. A P-number is required if a company has activities at different addresses, then each address must have a P-number linked to the CVR number.