A CVR sub-number is the unique number a sub-business gets. There is a main business, that is the one with the CVR-number, this CVR-number can have sub-businesses, which each get a CVR sub-number. For some businesses it is enough with a CVR-number, but for some businesses that engage in several different kinds of business it can be an advantage to split these businesses into sub-businesses. These sub-businesses get assigned each their own CVR sub-number, all these CVR sub-numbers can be linked to the business’s CVR-number – they are therefore connected.


You have to make accounts for both the business with the CVR-number and each sub-business with a CVR sub-number. The main business, the one with the CVR-number, is thereby not connected to the sub-businesses when we are talking about accounting.

If the business is registered, then these business types can get a CVR sub-number:

  • Associated business
  • Public limited business
  • Personally owned small business
  • Solo proprietorship
  • Entrepreneurial limited business
  • Limited Liability business


Besides a CVR sub-number there is also a P-number. A P-number applies if a business has operations on multiple addresses. If this is the case, then every unit on every address needs each their own P-number.

A CVR sub-number and a P-number can be applied for on Virk.dk.