A CVR number stands for The Central Business Register and can be compared with your personal CPR number, but instead of 10 digits it has 8. Besides that, they are very comparable. It is an identification number which contains information about your company – the company name, address, industry code, year of incorporation, etc.

You will be assigned a CVR number when you establish a company on VIRK.dk, no matter what company form you establish, you will receive a unique CVR number. The number is used, among other things, to be able to identify with public institutions such as SKAT.

Not all companies are required to have a CVR number. You are exempt if your company has an annual turnover of less than DKK 50,000, here you are also not obliged to register VAT.

How do you get a CVR number?

It is super easy; you get a unique CVR number assigned when you register on VIRK.dk.

Read more about CVR here.


Please note that it is mandatory to provide your CVR number on the company’s website, this can be entered in the same place as you enter contact information.

On the invoices you send out, your CVR number must also be stated. We recommend that you make a template where the company’s information is, here the CVR number will be a fixed part.

The company car must also have the CVR number and company name written on it, a small sticker will suffice.