Cold calling is a sales method where you contact a potential customer that you do not know at all and have no prior agreement to talk with. This can be done by, for example, writing, calling, or showing up to see the potential customer.

Cold calling is also sometimes called door-to-door sales. It is often considered the hardest method of sales, as the customer is not sales ready because they are contacted unsolicited. This sales method is often used in connection with phone sales, sales of insurance, and by marketing agencies and web agencies.

Many entrepreneurs who use cold calling do not just call cold potential customers. Many of them will warm up potential customers through ads or another type of advertising, so that they are calling hot leads. This way the potential customer themself has shown some interest in the product or service and it can now be easier to sell something to them.

If you want to start cold calling, there are 5 tips you can follow:

  • Prepare accordingly and know the customer before contacting them
  • Grab the customer’s attention right from the start
  • Be personal, without it being too much
  • Show respect
  • Make the customer feel comfortable and safe