Employee care is about caring for and satisfying your employees in a business.

Employee care can increase employee happiness and motivation and can in the end contribute to a more effective and stabile workforce.

Employee care can occur in many shapes and sizes, for example as social arrangements, freedom with responsibility, acknowledgement, opportunity for personal and professional development, bonuses, phones, cafeteria arrangement, fitness, or something else entirely.

People have different perceptions of what good employee care is, and therefore it is not certain that a fitness center at the workplace would be considered good employee care by all the staff.

Good employee care can help retain and attract employees, whereas a workplace with bad employee care can make people change jobs if they get a better offer.

The pay is not always the most important factor for everyone, and therefore employee care can actually be more important than the pay for some people. For others, however, the salary is a decisive factor, so you must always take your staff and their wishes into account.